Wednesday 27 January 2010


On Wednesdays we divide the second cycle of Primary into five groups to work in different workshops, such as Sukaldaritza, Buztingintza, Musikagintza, Margolaritza and our fantastic English one WORKSHOP.
What have we done?
We have elaborated our OWN POWER POINT, including personal photographs and information.

When we have finished it, they have taken it home in their pen-drive.

Here you are a example (click on the highlighted word).


Are you interested in Amazing Animals? Students in Primary 5 are and they want to design a Power Point .

First, they have chosen an amazing animal individually.

Then, we are going to search in the net and get information.Next, we choose the templates for the presentation.

Finally, we'll join all the slides and finish the project.

The oral presentation will be in the English classroom.

Tuesday 26 January 2010



Are you ready for a story?

This term I have dicided to read chapter by chapter the book
by Ann Cameron
to those students in Primary 6 .
First, they have to draw what the reading suggests to them.
Then, we summarize it in English.
Finally, we'll get a booklet with the pictures they have collected about the story.
I'll show it to you when they have finished it.

Do you like the idea?

Wednesday 20 January 2010

First Term in PSHE

I can tell you what we made in the first term.

  • We talked about healthy habits, such as physical activities, routines before and after school, hobbies, weekends, food, rest... We represented them using graphics.

  • They read some short and familiar texts in English and tried to explain them orally to the rest of the class.

  • We designed a booklet about EMOTIONS: vocabulary, sayings, drawings... and then, they prepared a Power Point about it with funny oictures.

  • We reflected on Children' Rights and Resonsabilities: they had to understand the rights they have and be able to match with the responsabilities they are supposed to .

  • ....

We enjoy it! Is it enough? If it isn't... It's perfectly basic.

Do you agree with me? Let me know it.


We are working on CITIZENSHIP, with a group of 24 students in primary 6, in ENGLISH.
It is quite challenging!
Children enjoy it!
We work on vocabulary, sayings, some grammar too....
they haven't got enough "language" to express their feelings , opinions,.. in the way they'd do it in their mother tongue.
I think it is a great way to improve their English, another Based Content Teaching programme.
Don't you think so?

Thursday 14 January 2010


You see......
Here we are again.
Eskola 2.0 programme helps us improving our technologic knowledge about BLOGGERS.
On Mondays, in English .
On Thursdays, in Basque.
Next day, I'll try it in Spanish.

Monday 11 January 2010

welcome everyone!

Here we are from Unkina school in Usansolo.
Where are you?
I want to feel you......... reading your comments and sharing your works with the whole world.
Are you ready?
Feel free and let me know what yuo think about this one.
See you!